RC 1,000
This is a Traditional Brooder measuring 4.3 metres by 4.9 metres Quantity – each unit holds batches of 1,000 Pheasant or Partridge Chicks.
Our rearing units have been designed to be clean, hygienic, insulated and quick to put up and take down.
CLEAN – the system we have designed can be moved to clean ground easily aft er take down.
HYGIENIC – the units are easy to wash down before and aft er use with galvanised steel to stop weathering. INSULATED – although the units have plenty of air flow, they are very well insulated which not only saves gas but also keeps the birds cool whilst rearing if the weather turns hot.
PUT UP AND TAKE DOWN – we feel it is important to be able to set up and take down quickly whilst weather permits so there is no unnecessary mess made on the fields. Quick to put up and take down – we appreciate that rearing fi elds are for seasonal use and therefore it is important to take down our rearing system so that you can cleanse your fi eld ready for the following year. By being able to take your system down also limits the amount of ti me it is open to the weather and elements. The sheds are held together on each corner with one quick release mechanism which holds the shell before applying four brackets in the roof prior to fi nally slipping the insulated sheet over the top. This system is extremely easy to put up and take down with minimal storage required once flat packed. We of er two different Rearing Systems