A Species rich ley containing grasses, herbs and clovers. Superb source of nutrients which enables optimal animal performance for meat and milk production. Beneficial to the soil by helping to restore and build soil fertility and soil structure. Herbal leys are a viable alternative source of forage in modern day livestock production along with helping to reduce input costs and improving soil health.
17% Agaska Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
21% Bowie Late Perennial Ryegrass
21% Zorgue Late Perennial Ryegrass
16% Thegn Late Perennial Ryegrass (T)
16% Nashota Late Perennial Ryegrass (T)
1% Comer Timothy
1.5% Ranger Plantain
0.5% Sheeps Burnet
2% Red Clover
4% White Clover
Sowing rate 13-15kg/acre (32-37kg/ha)
Pack Size 20kg
Grazemax Herb & Legume