An excellent mixture for the rapid renovation of tees and fairways. The addition of Chardin perennial ryegrass, combined with fine fescues, ensures a dense, hard wearing surface which repairs easily from divoting. Now benefitting from NEW Greenmile chewings fescue, highly rated for both summer and winter greeness.
35% Chardin perennial rye
20% Sergei strong creeping red fescue
15% Rossinante strong creeping red fescue
10% Archibal slender creeping red fescue
20% Esparina chewings fescue
Sowing rate: 35-50g/m2
Overseeding: 15-25g/m2
Mowing height: down to 12mm
PM45 - Tee and Fairway Plus
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2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.