An ideal mixture for greens renovation providing rapid germination, a fine putting surface and excellent year round colour. The addition of the top rated new tenuis bentgrass Manor further improves disease resistance.
30% Esparina chewings fescue
10% Bogart chewings fescue
20% Sarolea Slender Creeping Red Fescue
20% Absolom Slender Creeping Red Fescue
10% Jorvik Browntop Bent
5% Manor Browntop Bent
5% Arrowtown Browntop Bent
Sowing rate: 35g/m2
Overseeding: 25g/m2
Mowing height: down to 5mm
PM10 - Traditional Green
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2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.