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85% Grasses, 15% Wild Flowers

Ryegrass seed set as winter food for birds


45% Creeping Red Fescue

15% Chewings Fescue


9% Cocksfoot

6% Hard Fescue

3.75% Sainfoin 

3.75% Vetch

3% Lecerne (Inoculated)

1% Aslike Clover

1% Bentgrass

1% Plantain

1% Red Clover

0.5% Sheeps Burnet

0.5% Sheeps Parsley

0.25% Birdsfoot Trefoil

0.25% Yarrow


Sowing Rate 20kg/ha

Pack Size 20kg


Sowing rate 35kg/ha

Pack size 20kg

BGM 6 Flower Grass Margin Mixture (AB8,GS4,IPM2,SAM2)

  • 1. Choose your Quantity of Packs

    2. Select the Rate based on how many Packs you're buying for the correlating price.

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